The Radical Left in the Age of Trump

The world capitalist system is in its worst crisis. As  this election shows, along with the elections in Europe, centrist politics is also in its worst crisis. Yet here in the US the left has been fragmented for at least 45 years. Now more than ever, the economic and political crisis requires a united radical left. A well-respected comrade of ours has organized a public meeting in NYC on February 5th to discuss how the radical left can be a force. Please check Insurgent Notes for updates.

Details in Insurgent Notes

Image Mujeres Libres

About Bruce Lerro

Bruce Lerro has taught for 25 years as an adjunct college professor of psychology at Golden Gate University, Dominican University and Diablo Valley College. He has applied a Vygotskian socio-historical perspective to his four books: From Earth-Spirits to Sky-Gods: the Socio-ecological Origins of Monotheism, Individualism and Hyper-Abstract Reasoning Power in Eden: The Emergence of Gender Hierarchies in the Ancient World Co-Authored with Christopher Chase-Dunn Social Change: Globalization from the Stone Age to the Present and Lucifer's Labyrinth: Individualism, Hyper-Abstract Thinking and the Process of Becoming Civilized He is also a representational artist specializing in pen-and-ink drawings. Bruce is a libertarian communist and lives in Olympia WA.

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