Labor Notes – This is one of the only organizations in the United States which attempts to track labor movement battles all over the country. It is a network of radical union members who make a distinction between rank-and file union members and the union leadership that is much more conservative and is tied to the Democratic Party. Among other issues, it advocates for more democracy within unions. It hosts yearly workshops in training union organizers.
Democracy at Work – This is the organization and website that combines a Marxian analysis of the crisis in capitalism together with what can be done about it. The site includes the history of workplace democracy along with in-depth responses to frequently asked questions. It also includes news about workers’ self-directed enterprises around the country, as well as radio-broadcasts and public lectures by economist Richard Wolff. We have reservations about workers cooperatives when it is not explicitly connected to class struggle, the working class or part of an overall socialist program.
U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives – News, articles and listings of worker cooperatives all across the United States. Co-ordinates national conferences.
Grassroots Economic Organizing – Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO) is a decentralized collective of educators, researchers and grassroots activists working to promote an economy based on democratic participation, worker and community ownership, social and economic justice, and ecological sustainability – a “solidarity economy” – through grassroots journalism, organizing support, cross-sector networking and movement-building and the publication of educational and organizational resources.
The Toolbox for Education – Remember the board game, “Monopoly”? You know, the game that socialized kids and adolescents to become good little capitalists and have fun driving everyone else to ruin. Well if you think there is life beyond capitalism as we do, TESA has invented a game to help us get there just a little faster. “Co-opoly” is a very well-thought-out game which not only teaches the principles of starting a cooperative but presents the real-life problems of sustaining and expanding one. The game is challenging, funny and about 90 minutes to play with from three to six people.
Black Rose Anarchist Federation – This organization is one of the best in the social anarchist tradition. Their analyses are insightful and have heart. Black Rose has their feet on the ground with practical struggles without being lured by electoral politics. They have branches over twelve cities. From its website it “is a political organization founded in 2014 which shares a common set of politics and a shared strategic vision of building popular power in our workplaces, neighborhoods, and schools towards the goal of libertarian socialism. With locals and contacts in over a dozen cities, our organizing work is centered on building mass movements such as tenant unions, neighborhood assemblies, workplace campaigns, student unions, prisoner organizing, and in defense of communities resisting criminalization.
Project Censored – Every year Project Censored puts together a book and commentary on its top 25 censored stories of that year. It involves collaboration between teachers and students on the news stories themselves. It is a lively, radical criticism of corporate media and advocates media democracy.
Directed by Mickey Huff
Dissident Voice – Dissident voice offers daily radical commentary, essays and poetry, not only on politics, economics and culture, but also on the media that reports them. You will not have to worry about finding apologists for the Democratic Party here. While it has a store of well-known, excellent writers, they are also open to the work of new writers. They were the first online journal to publish our Perspectives.
Strategic Culture – This is an excellent geo-political website with writers from around the world. Highly critical of U. S. foreign policy. Articles have a diversity of scope with writers including conservatives who act as if the United States is not the center of the world.
New Eastern Outlook – This geo-political website has articles from writers who only write for this site, including William Engdahl. Takes a proud stand against Russia and China bashing which is so common among other international websites. They are highly critical of U.S. foreign policy.
Global Research – This website has grown in breadth and depth since its early years as a flagship for the 9/11 Truth movement. It has a broad menu of topics from geopolitics to political economy with a great span of writers from academic to non-academic. Founded by Michel Chossudovsky.
World Socialist Website – This Trotskyist website is at its best with it’s Marxian interpretation of the gyrations of the stock-market. It is among the best at mercilessly exposing the weaknesses of social democrats as well as making no concessions to the upper-middle class roots of identity politics. It’s weakness is in its boiler play socialist solutions which have changed little over the decades.
CounterCurrents – Radical Geo-political website which focuses on China and India. Has a good section on “patriarchy” They are open to new writers.
The Greanville Post – Wonderful anti-imperialist website with consistently good analysis of what is going on in China and Russia. Also has a wide range of topics, including the arts. We discovered them in 2017. The are also open to new writers.. They have some of the most radical writers we have encountered. They publish our articles regularly.
China Rising Radio Sinoland—founded by Jeff J Brown. Jeff hosts a radio show and interviews radicals from all over the world. He has written three books on China and has lived among the Chinese for 16 years. Among other places he has written for the Greanville Post. Bruce has been on his show once or two a year.
Rising Tide Foundation: A Rising Tide Raises All boats
Founded by Matthew Ehret and Cynthia Chung. We discovered the work of this organization in 2022 from their writings for the Greanville Post. They have an extremely interdisciplinary analysis of both the history of human society and a geopolitical analysis of the international events in the world. There commentary not only includes politics and economics but also the arts and sciences. They have been influenced by the Schiller Institute.