These are some amazing statistics which say that basically there is one mass shooting (4 or more people) in the United States every day. A study made by the Small Arms Survey showed that the U.S. represents less than 5% of the 7.3 billion global population but accounted for 31% of global mass shooters during the period from 1966 to 2012, more than any other country. What would be interesting to know is how this compares to the numbers of people killed by ISIS in the same time period.
The second question is what is the religion of most of the perpetuators? I’m afraid Christianity would be in for a rough ride.
Third question is race. I’m afraid it’s the white folks.
Fourth is gender–male?
Fifth is age—our guess would be mid-twenties?
So let’s see. If we’re right in our guessing, it’s white, male Christians that are at least as good as the Islamists at perpetuating terrorism. We’re number one!
Look at the graphics here in The Guardian