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Upcoming Events
- 1919: Seattle General Strike Ends - 11/02/2025 - All Day
- Nelson Mandela is Freed After Being Jailed in South Africa for 27 Years (1990) - 11/02/2025 - All Day
- 1817: Frederick Douglass born - 12/02/2025 - All Day
- 1917: Strikes and meetings in St. Petersburg plants launch Russian Revolution - 13/02/2025 - All Day
- Flour Riot of the Poor and Hungry Erupts in New York City (1837) - 13/02/2025 - All Day
- Mother Jones Arrested After West Virginia Governor Declares Martial Law to Put Down coal Minders' Stike - 13/02/2025 - All Day
- 1903: Western Federation of Miners strike for 1-hour day - 14/02/2025 - All Day
- 1820: Susan B. Anthony Born - 15/02/2025 - All Day
- Protests Against Looming U.S. Invasion of Iraq Take Place Worldwide (2003) - 15/02/2025 - All Day
- 1916: Emma Goldman arrested for lecturing on birth control, NYC - 16/02/2025 - All Day
- 1916: Emma Goldman arrested for lecturing on birth control, NYC - 16/02/2025 - All Day
- 1906: WFM Big Bill Haywood, Moyer and Pettibone framed on murder charges in Idaho - 17/02/2025 - All Day
- Workers at Illinois' Fansteel Corp. Stage Sit-Down Strike for Unionization (1937) - 17/02/2025 - All Day
- 1942: FDR sends 120,000 West Coast Japanese, including U.S. citizens, to concentration camps - 19/02/2025 - All Day
- 1942: FDR sends 120,000 West Coast Japanese, including US citizens, to concentration camps - 19/02/2025 - All Day
- 1942: FDR sends 120,000 West Coast Japanese, including US citizens, to concentration camps - 19/02/2025 - All Day
- Wartime inflation causes food riots - thousands of women take to the streets in NYC to protest exorbitant prices. (1917) - 20/02/2025 - All Day
- Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Publish 'The Communist Manefesto' (1848) - 21/02/2025 - All Day
- 2018: Teachers' Strike shuts down public schools across West Virginia - 23/02/2025 - All Day
- French Novelist Emile Zola Convicted for Writing 'J'accuse' Letter (1898) - 23/02/2025 - All Day