Labor Notes is the only organization we know that keeps track of the labor movement throughout the United States. This weekend appears to be the largest gathering in the forty-year history of Labor Notes. Over the course of the 3 days, there will be 100 meetings and workshops, labor art exchanges, songs and poems, and a hip-hop contest. Due to popular demand, the conference is now closed but you can watch the conference through streaming.
Read in Labor Notes
🇱🇰 🚩☭▸ලෝකයේ වැඩකරන පංතියේ ජනතාවට සමාජවාදය සඳහා ශක්තිය ධෛර්යය ප්රාර්ථනා කරමු! 🇱🇰 🚩☭▸We’ll wish the working class people of the world the strength and courage for socialism! 🇱🇰 🚩☭▸¡Le desearemos a la clase obrera del mundo fuerza y coraje para el socialismo! 🇱🇰 🚩☭▸Nous souhaitons à la classe ouvrière du monde force et courage pour le socialisme! 🇱🇰 🚩☭▸Желаем рабочему классу мира сил и мужества на пути к социализму! 🇱🇰 🚩☭▸ نتمنى للطبقة العاملة في العالم القوة والشجاعة للاشتراكية! 🇱🇰 🚩☭▸हम कामना करेंगे कि दुनिया के मजदूर वर्ग के लोग समाजवाद के लिए ताकत और साहस दें!