Some Peace on Earth? Wars and Refugees Around the World.

This article nicely ties together how the wars in the Middle East have not only killed 80,000 people but have created a refugee crisis as people have fled to Europe. This in turn has created a rise in nationalism among workers who fear losing work to these refugees. The question not addressed is why there are all these wars in the Middle East. The answer, in part, lies in capitalists and the government in the U.S. who are providing arms to the regions in the hopes of controlling the oil supply.

Read in WSWS

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About Barbara MacLean

Barbara MacLean has worked as an academic and career counselor at California State University, East Bay (CSUEB), Merritt and West Valley Colleges and as a career counselor and manager of the Oakland One Stop Career Center, a public career and jobs center in partnership with EDD. She is a co-founder and editor of Planning Beyond Capitalism.

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